Student Solution


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– Nelson Mandela

1 University

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1 Subject

3.3 - Ethical Dilemma Presentation

3.3 - Ethical Dilemma Presentation

Q Introduction A primary part of ethics and social responsibility is about being able to communicate. Communication comes in a variety of forms: written, visual, and oral. For this assignment, you are tasked with crafting a Powerpoint® presentation with voice over. Research Every day there are decisions being made, statements being read, and actions implemented that impact those around us. For this assignment, go to the Business Ethics Highlights, Links to an external, become familiar with their site, and choose one topic for review. Your chosen topic should be dated no older than a year ago, be of interest to you, and pose an ethical dilemma. For a detailed view of how to find the articles and make a selection, watch this video, Business Ethics Highlights (Studio - 00:02:53): Transcript Business Ethics Highlights - How to access articles (DOCX)Download Transcript Business Ethics Highlights - How to access articles (DOCX) Review Once you have chosen the article that interests you, review the ethical dilemma, read all accompanying current event articles, note the source of these, and the lens of the outlet. Select the Present section to continue Slide Presentation Once you have conducted your research and review, you will draft your Ethical Dilemma Analysis. Make sure you have read the instructions for conducting an ethical dilemma analysis. Please refer to the Presentation Guidelines for further instructions on creating your slide analysis presentation. Select the Share section to continue Submitting Your Presentation Once completed, please watch your presentation, make any necessary edits, and upload via the assignment link. Heads Up! Your presentation will be graded by your instructor with feedback. However, this assignment does not stop here! In Module 5, you will use this presentation as your discussion post. You will also watch and listen to the presentations of your peers. Please keep in mind, as these presentations will be viewed by your peers, professionalism should be upheld.

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